black and white bed linen

o jogo da meia-noite

Você entraria em uma casa hiper-tecnológica alugada para passar um final de semana divertido com mais quatro amigos?

Avaliações da hospedagem: 5 estrelas


Sim, né?

Tá esperando o que então? Vai perder essa oportunidade?

Mistério e Suspense

Descubra o thriller psicológico que vai prender sua atenção e desafiar sua mente.

A dark and eerie scene featuring a partially visible hand gripping the edge of a door or wall. The hand is covered in a red substance resembling blood, creating a suspenseful and mysterious atmosphere.
A dark and eerie scene featuring a partially visible hand gripping the edge of a door or wall. The hand is covered in a red substance resembling blood, creating a suspenseful and mysterious atmosphere.
A gloved hand holds a book titled 'The Intruder' near a dusty, cracked window. Several other books are visible on the wooden shelf below, including titles by Arthur Hailey and John le Carré. The scene suggests an old or abandoned setting.
A gloved hand holds a book titled 'The Intruder' near a dusty, cracked window. Several other books are visible on the wooden shelf below, including titles by Arthur Hailey and John le Carré. The scene suggests an old or abandoned setting.

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Conheça o Coletivo 404.


dia 17 de junho de 2025 às 07:00

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A person is sitting on the floor leaning against a wall. The red lighting casts an intense hue over the scene, creating a dramatic atmosphere. The figure appears to be holding a large gun and is wearing a white shirt with red stains. Near the person, a red light bulb is glowing on the floor alongside various scattered items, including a book with the title 'How to Get Away with Murder' and a knife. The setting feels tense and ominous.
A person is sitting on the floor leaning against a wall. The red lighting casts an intense hue over the scene, creating a dramatic atmosphere. The figure appears to be holding a large gun and is wearing a white shirt with red stains. Near the person, a red light bulb is glowing on the floor alongside various scattered items, including a book with the title 'How to Get Away with Murder' and a knife. The setting feels tense and ominous.

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Descubra o jogo da meia-noite

Um grupo de amigos decide passar um fim de semana em uma casa de campo alugada, buscando relaxar e reviver velhas memórias. Mas o que começa como uma simples viagem logo se transforma em um pesadelo. A casa, equipada com tecnologia de ponta e um sistema de vigilância enigmático, parece ter vida própria—monitorando, testando e manipulando cada um deles.

Quando um dos amigos desaparece misteriosamente após um jogo inocente, o grupo percebe que está preso em algo muito maior do que imaginavam. Entre câmeras ocultas, desafios psicológicos e uma presença invisível controlando tudo, eles precisam decifrar as regras desse jogo mortal antes que seja tarde demais.

Até onde vai o controle? Quem está assistindo? E, mais importante... como sair desse jogo antes da última jogada?

black wooden stair
black wooden stair
A hand is reaching for a book on a wooden bookshelf. The book's cover displays the name 'Susan Hill', and it appears to be a sequel related to 'Rebecca.' Other books are also visible on the shelf, with different titles and colors, but are mostly obscured. The setting is cozy and suggests a library or a personal study.
A hand is reaching for a book on a wooden bookshelf. The book's cover displays the name 'Susan Hill', and it appears to be a sequel related to 'Rebecca.' Other books are also visible on the shelf, with different titles and colors, but are mostly obscured. The setting is cozy and suggests a library or a personal study.

O processo

Veja nos stories como foi o processo de escrita durante os vinte dias.

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A silhouette of a person crouching on a deserted road with a car's headlights creating a dramatic backlight through thick fog. The scene is set at night, emphasizing a mysterious and tense atmosphere.
A silhouette of a person crouching on a deserted road with a car's headlights creating a dramatic backlight through thick fog. The scene is set at night, emphasizing a mysterious and tense atmosphere.
An old, weathered book page rests against a dark background scattered with dried leaves. The text on the page is partially legible, suggesting a mystery or crime story.
An old, weathered book page rests against a dark background scattered with dried leaves. The text on the page is partially legible, suggesting a mystery or crime story.